POETRY BOOK Stories in the stream of life
Never Knowing...
Maybe everybody's been there, or maybe it's just that most everybody's been there. For those that have, you know the way of it.
There's some upheaval in your world, things suddenly change and maybe someone or something that you thought would be a permanent fixture in your life has disappeared, gone like blown out candlelight.
Now you ask yourself, "How did I lose this time? What am I searching for?"
There's many, many a person out there wandering about in their own wilderness of the soul, so to speak.
Never Knowing...
I remember you from my future -
there was a room bathed in half - lit blue,
the sound of my heartbreaks past
and you.
“Who are you?” say I to you.
“Who are you?” asked you of me...
So, you turned
and fled among the pillars of future history...
In one of the days of my past
at a place in a space that did not last
I saw you
and at sometime in my future
I will know you...
I see your form now, flitting from darkness in time
but it - no, you
you - are so hard to discern in the misty semi - light
of days gone past and months to come...
“Who are you?” say you to me, “Where are you?” say I to you..
and again you run from me...
O, how desperate is the chase now - you; fleeing,
me; pursuing, ever pursuing
over moving hills, through shaded vales;
fearing to lose sight
of a translucent dream I follow...
could it be that you
are that one true answer
to questions often on my mind
yet never upon my lips.
I want to believe that you
are that one person
that one place
that one thing
that will justify this life I live,
what things I do...
and so
I chase the shadow of a cloud across an empty field
filled with the leavings of old and broken feelings
because I must have thee...must have you
Out of the shades and shadows
that lurk in the quiet corners of my mind’s eyes -
creeps a haunting hope
and a sneaking possibility that you
are what I have always,
and never
needed —
A pain, a hope - a desire
that I have always heard yet never heeded
an indistinct silhouette in and out of the mists of my past
a woman, a thing, a place that coalesces
out of the days of today’s time and dates
then, flies a farflung flight
into a tale of many tomorrows
I see your form, now, again
flitting from darkness to darkness in time
singing a soundless song that only these ears can hear within...
a lovely, lilting chanting of hopes and loves
few and far between
Are you a shadow shading
parts and parcels of my soul
as I silently seek a way
to become whole - a way
to hold on
to a dream
that could have been real
before the end
of a cold and golden day?
As I walk , I also run, I also cry
“Who Are you, and are you mine?” wondered I
but a sudden swiftness of your steps belie
that this is just
another reverie of fantasy as;
desperate is the chase now - you; fleeing,
me; pursuing, ever pursuing
over moving hills, through shaded vales;
fearing to lose sight
of a translucent dream I follow...
Your sweetly whispered words
“Who are you, my dear?”
that reaches my longing ears
with the softness
of a summer nights breeze
melodious, harmonious tuneful
a dulcet of those things I hold dear
those things I strive for
but can never bring near;
Those are the words
that fuel my pursuit
of a person, a place, or a thing
that can only add up to
but, once again, alone as before
I stand in sands that below me
glow lamplit blue in the night
alone, beside the sea of my life
here again, I witness the end
of a futile yet hopeful flight
“Who are you?” whispered from you to me
Where are you?” from I to you
and again you flee from me...
Stephen W. Winslow