Author's Bio
S. Warren Winslow grew up watching every Star Trek series ever produced and reading science fiction stories, losing himself all of their incarnations and permutations. When the original Star Wars movies rolled out, he was there to see every one of them, too.
He could spend hours reading stories of King Arthur’s Knights of The Round Table, Louis L’amour’s tales of The Sacketts, W. E. B. Griffin books, Tom Clancy’s stories, Roger Zelazny’s tales of Amber and other great books of action, adventure, science fiction and fantasy. He collected Marvel and DC Comics, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction, Omni and Analog magazines, until all of the spare footlockers around the house were full.
Eventually, he began to notice a sad fact about America’s vision of the science fiction future; men who looked like him were not really included, and women of African descent were limited to the likes of the wonderfully beautiful Lt. Uhura, who never seemed to play any truly profound roles or be able to find any valiant, daring, dark-hued fellow to date, because, in those days, individuals of that sort did not exist as selfless heroes in that genre. They were always portrayed as futuristic criminals, tragic suicides, evil minions of madmen, irredeemable villains, or that weak-willed guy whose life was so meaningless that he’d cheerfully be the first to die (bravely and without a name) so that the "real" heroes could survive.
That realization was a psychological gut punch, because now it seemed a taken-for-granted fact that people of African-American descent would not exist or have any real stake in the future of humanity as envisioned through Sci-Fy. Like most children of science fiction fandom, he didn't primarily think of his fellow humans in terms of skin color as much as the rest of the world did, but it's just a fact of life that every adventurous kid wants a hero who looks like him or her; It's just the way our imaginations work. That's not a racist view, either, since most children don't self-cultivate intolerant and biased thinking during their wonder years.
After graduating from high school, S. Warren Winslow went to Perkinston Community College on the Gulf Coast as a Mechanical Engineering student, later transferring to The University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg to major in Architectural Engineering and Drinking. Eventually, the income he was generating for higher education by working three jobs fell behind in the race to keep up with tuition hikes, so he did what seemed to him to be the only sensible thing; used what money he had left over to buy a motorcycle and spend the days riding, his evenings waiting tables and conjuring up short Science Fiction/Fantasy stories during his sober nights. For the time being, he’d keep on writing and creating the type of tales that he thought might seem agreeable to the world he lived in, concocting science fiction short stories that featured African men, American Black men, and soulful aliens as protagonists, and continued submitting these to his formerly favorite magazines. Those were the days of rejections.
One day, after years of attending RLU (Real Life University) had finally made him a little wiser, S. Warren Winslow had an epiphany; the writer creates his own world! He was a writer, so he decided to write the type of sci-fi story he’d always wanted to compose. The Crossover Wars is set in a world where men of color exist as equals, friends and heroes right along with the rest of humanity.
He is currently working on his next Nigel Renoir and Angeline Duplessis-Renoir story.