POETRY BOOK Stories in the stream of life
A Father's Hope
So here I am; a father for twenty years now. Funny thing about being someone's "Dad" - it seems that, in additon to the children that share your physical DNA, you also wind up with children who don't - and usually because these add on kids become close friends with the ones that God gave you to begin with.
In looking back, I have two boys from my own flesh and bone, but there are at least two more and one girl who came along as gifts of time. This is for all of them, but, of course primarily for my two.
For My Sons
My Son;
my spear, which I will hurl
into the future world —
my heart, which will keep on beating
long after my body has stopped.
My son;
my flying javelin —
Throughout all of the coming tomorrows
you will carry your name
and mine
far along the flowing road of time
So, my son
from now to then
and from here to there,
I want to give you
all that is good within me
and none of the bad that could be me
Please, my son,
on your journey
through all of your coming years
take all of my smiles
take none of my tears
take all of my stregnths,
and none of my fears —
go with joy
go be brave
go with grace
go with God
My, son, my child;
With all of my heart
I see you as any special part — of me
that may be worthwhile
You have been
beloved since day one
and so many good things I may have done
was because you are a part of my life;
one of those things that I may have done right
and you, with your own special spice
have always reminded me
that my heart can be alive and bright
My son —
Beloved since day one....
my spear, which I will hurl
into the future world —
my heart, which will keep on beating
long after my body has stopped.
Stephen W. Winslow